Judy Wicks learned how to build community, run a legendary restaurant, and start a national movement for just and sustainable business--all without leaving home.
In a world where everything's for sale, we've forgotten that much of value happens outside the stream of commerce. Here's how we forgot--and how we're reclaiming the commons.
Buying local products at local businesses
creates a ripple effect as those businesses and employees in
turn spend your money locally. In contrast corporate chains
send most of your money out of town.
In the 2004 election, more than 3 million
ballots were never counted. Palast explains where they went,
but also provides an example of hopeful voting reform in New
Why is all this gloom and doom appearing in YES? The first step toward a positive future at the individual, community, society, or global level is to address seriously the problem at hand and take meaningful action.
The Lincoln-Dameron neighborhood in Prescott,
Arizona, encompasses roughly two blocks, including two
apartment buildings and 30 houses, the majority built in the
1930s. The neighborhood, which is built around the floodplain
of nearby Miller Creek, is home to six greywater systems, two
rainwater cisterns, five organic gardens, 25 heirloom fruit
trees, and (at last count) 57 chickens. Welome to Prescott's
They don't like the occupation or the militias, and they aren't signing up for any political or religious faction. Instead, these Iraqis want to live with their neighbors in peace.