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- There Are Still More Libraries Than McDonald鈥檚 Locations in the United States
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There Are Still More Libraries Than McDonald鈥檚 Locations in the United States
(and 24 other facts you should probably know).
1. Millions of cubic meters of water used by tar sands companies in 2011 from the Athabasca River alone: 370 [1]
2. Millions of cubic meters of water used in Toronto in 2011: 388
3. Amount paid by tar sands companies for water in 2012: $0
4. Average amount paid by the typical Toronto household for water each year: $674 [2]
5. Percentage of people in the United States who would not want medical treatments to extend life to age 120: 56
6. Percentage of people who think only the wealthy would have access to such treatments: 66
7. Percentage of people who think that longer life would strain natural resources: 66 [3]
8. Number of Trident submarines at Naval Base Kitsap, 20 miles from Seattle: 8 [4]
9. Missile capacity on each submarine at Bangor: 24 [5]
10. Maximum number of independently targetable warheads each missile can carry: 8 [6]
11. Factor by which the minimum explosive yield of each warhead exceeds the yield of the Hiroshima bomb: 25:1 [7]
12. Number of libraries in the United States: 17,000
13. Number of McDonald’s: 14,000
14. Number of Starbucks: 11,000 [8]
15. Earthquakes recorded in Youngstown, Ohio, from 1776 to 2010: 0
16. Earthquakes recorded in 2011 after a nearby well pumping wastewater produced by fracking came online: 109
17. Earthquakes in Youngstown since the wastewater well was shut down December 31, 2011: 0 [9]
18. Planets outside our solar system (exoplanets) identified and confirmed as of October 1995: 1 [10]
19. Exoplanets identified and confirmed as of September 2013: 942 [11]
20. Number of people, in millions, in the United States in 2011 who speak a language other than English at home: 60.6 [12]
21. Number of unique languages spoken in the United States as of the 2006–2008 American Community Survey: 300 [13]
22. Number of those languages that are distinct native North American languages: 134
23. Percentage of U.S. residents in 2013 who say they are proud to be an American: 85
24. Percentage of U.S. residents in 2013 who think the signers of the Declaration of Independence would be disappointed by how the United States has turned out: 71 [14]
25. Year that social media passed porn as No. 1 Web activity: 2008 [15]
Ray Stoeve
is a Seattle-based queer and trans writer who received a 2016-2017 Made at Hugo House Fellowship for their young adult fiction.